The Governance Action Hub is exploring the frontiers of governance action and reform in the following explorations. Over time, we will add more areas of exploration, shaped by our engagement with local and global stakeholders.

Local-Global Coordination for Global Impact
We aim to be the place where people like you, seeking new ways to make governance work, come to share ideas, learn, and collaborate towards common goals. Our inaugural initiatives in climate action, state capture, and building a global network are designed to explore what’s possible and push the boundaries of innovation in governance.

Local Coalitions for Local Solutions
We work with local stakeholders to identify and test ways for citizens to help solve local challenges. By supporting coalitions for change, we promote development entrepreneurship and encourage collaboration across diverse perspectives.
Join the Governance Explorers
We are bringing together a global network of people eager to rethink governance and influence local, national and global debates.

"Goodwill from both government and local community leaders is essential for successful climate action"