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Our Work in Peru

An ecosystem model for regional development processes.  Together with the Inter-American Development Bank, we are building a collaborative intervention model to strengthen the capacity of local civil society, government and private sector to be active participants in the implementation of Regional Development Plans.

Our model in Peru considers the institutionalization of the engagement of diverse stakeholders, a social listening/social observatory function and capacity building of government officials under a Center for Excellence and Governance. The first phase of this collaboration is expected to start in the region of Cajamarca in 2025, and we are currently assessing the demand and viability of similar experiences in Pasco and the province of Chumbivilcas, Cusco.

Meeting of the CONVERGE Community of Learning in Mining in Moquegua, Peru

Meeting of the CONVERGE Community of Learning in Mining in Moquegua, Peru

CONVERGE Moquegua: Building the space of influence and inclusion

In our collaboration with CCPM Grupo Consultor, CONVERGE is the name picked by the members of the community of local leaders from civil society, business associations, mining companies and government we support in the region of Moquegua, Peru. They represent very diverse perspectives on development issues in the region, and are willing to work with each other despite those differences. They have identified challenges they would like to contribute to solving over the next couple of years. They promote inclusion of other Moqueguanos beyond the major cities in the discussion and dissemination of information regarding the implementation of the regional development plan. CONVERGE Moquegua, supported by a social listening platform, aims to inform and influence policies and projects consistent with key parts of the local development plan. Key themes the group decided to address in this year include better use of the mining canon and management of water resources in the region.

The Endgame

We see the opportunity of locally-led development processes in Peru’s regions solidified by mechanisms to engage citizens in the implementation of local development plans, and stronger systems to manage resources and build mutual accountability. Over time, we aspire to support a platform that promotes cross-learning and sharing of experiences between different regions in Peru.

Are you or your organization working or supporting the implementation of regional development processes? Do you have tools or opportunities we could share with local leaders? Reach out!
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Meet the Explorers

Initiative Resources

Mario Picon at PERUMIN 2023

The Opportunity of Critical Minerals in the Era of Energy Transition

Join the Governance Explorers

We are bringing together a global network of people eager to rethink governance and influence local, national and global debates.

"Goodwill from both government and local community leaders is essential for successful climate action"

Jane Mariara

"The question is how do you get the good idea to reach the right people to make change?"

Regina Pasion