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Thomas Aston

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Advisor

Location: London, United Kingdom

Thomas Aston is a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) advisor of the Governance Action Hub at R4D. He has extensive experience in Political Economy Analysis (PEA), participatory planning, social accountability, and participatory MEL. Tom has been interested in governance issues for years, mostly as a biproduct of his interest in politics. For one, his PhD thesis was on the political economy of cash transfers in Bolivia.

Tom has worked in governance for more than a decade and used to be a governance advisor for CARE International. He was also a Learning Advisor on the Learning, Evidence and Advocacy Partnership (LEAP) in Nigeria, part of the Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) program and an MEL advisor to the VNG International’s Inclusive Decisions at Local Level (IDEAL) program, among several others.

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"Goodwill from both government and local community leaders is essential for successful climate action"
Jane Mariara